Beginner Level - Module 1 - The Lunar Axis
From€595.00 EUR
Beginner Level - Module 2 - The Solar Axis
From€595.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology In Your Chart / Basic – 1 hr session
Revealing your Source Wisdom - Your unique Cosmic Birth Channel
€185.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology In Your Chart / Extensive – 1.5 hr session
Revealing your Source Wisdom - Your unique Cosmic Birth Channel
€235.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology In Your Chart / Extensive – 2 Sessions for One Price
If you really want to go deep and want to know all about your Diamond Astrology chart in detail, then one session is not enough. You can book two sessions for one price which take place quite quickly one after the other in consultation with you.
€355.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology in a 1-2 year Forecast - 1 hr session
A forecast of your natal chart for the next 2 years combined with the Luminaries of Diamond Astrology in your chart.
€185.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology Combi Session - 1.5 hr session
Your natal chart with the Luminaries of Diamond Astrology as in the Basic Session combined with important forecast events that will take place in your life within the next two years.
€265.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology In Your Relation Chart - 1.5 hr session
The composite chart of you and your partner merging the natal charts and the Luminaries of Diamond Astrology. A beautiful way to find out how Diamond Astrology can enrich your relationship.
€295.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology Business Chart - 1.5 hr session
Required is the date of birth, place and hour that you registered with the Chamber of Commerce. Next to that your own date of birth, place and hour is required too.
€395.00 EUR
Diamond Astrology: Catalysts of Consciousness
"Diamond Astrology: Catalysts of Consciousness" is Monique's first book in the English language. This book details the theory and practice of Diamond Astrology. 491 pages - Available in English only. Follow the link below to purchase on Amazon!
€0.00 EUR
In dit boek worden de ins en outs gegeven van de negen punten die Diamond Astrology omvatten: Zwarte Maan en Priapus, Zwarte Zon en Diamant, Noordelijke- en Zuidelijke Maansknoop, Draak en Beest en het Gelukspunt. - 152 blz. - (Dutch Only)
€19.95 EUR
Dit boek gaat in op de grote transitie van het Vissen- naar het Watermantijdperk. De oude waarden van de Vissen Tijd worden uitgebreid beschreven alsmede de nieuwe waarden van de Waterman Tijd. Daarnaast en daarmee verweven brengt het boek een andere boodschap, die individueel is en direct verbonden is met Diamond Astrology. - 224 blz. - (Dutch Only)
€19.95 EUR
Star Couples
This booklet describes the dynamics of each sign of the zodiac in relation to its shadow sign in a playful way. STAR COUPLES can also be a great present. Available in English Only. - 40 pages - This is a digital product (pdf) and can be downloaded immediately upon purchase.
€20.00 EUR
Webinar: Age of Aquarius 2021 by Monique Leurink
Join Monique as she explores what it means to be in the Age of Aquarius and what is needed to navigate these new and fascinating times.
€10.00 EUR